Pretty In Purple Crochet Bouquet
Send this “Pretty in Purple” crochet tulip bouquet to your favorite person and bring a blooming smile to their face. This crochet flower bouquet consists of beautiful tulips and cute daisies that bring love and joy to the receiver and warm their hearts.
This purple tulip bouquet is one of the most unique and thoughtful gifts one could ever receive. The white daisies complement the purple tulips and make the bouquet look more beautiful. Each tulip and daisy in the bouquet is crocheted by hand, making this bouquet a special and unique gift.
This bouquet is a perfect gifting option for those who look for gifts that hold meaning. Tulips signify deep love, and white daises are known for their simplicity, so together they make a delightful bouquet of forever love.
The best part about this flower bouquet is that it is a gift that lasts forever in the recipient’s heart and home. Unlike real flowers, crochet flowers do not require much care and keep their fresh look forever. Make sure to get these crochet flowers online and make a grand gesture of love today!
Product Details
- Set of 5 Purple Tulips and 3 Small Daisies
- Bouquet Size: 16 x 12 inches
- Material: High-Quality Yarn
- Hand- Crocheted