Twirling Tulips Crochet Bouquet
Brighten up any celebration with this “Twirling Tulips” crochet bouquet. This vibrant flower bouquet is made with a multiple-colored crocheted tulip bunch. They are all beautifully handcrafted using the finest quality yarns and intricate design to look exactly like real tulips. The bouquet also includes crocheted lavender and white sticks that add extra beauty and contrast to the tulips.
After serving as a bouquet, the crocheted tulips can later be used to decorate the home. Such versatile qualities make it one of the best gifts in our collection.
Whether it is a happy birthday flower bouquet to surprise your best friend or a congratulatory gift for special occasions, we bet your gift is always going to stand out.
It’s special color combination and handmade design make it different from the ordinary gifts available in the market. Also, our easy birthday bouquet online delivery option ensures the crochet flowers reach you on time, looking beautiful as ever. Order now and enjoy a great gift-giving experience!
Product Details
- Set of 6 Tulips & 4 Lavender Sticks
- Bouquet Size: 18 x 10 inches (approx.)
- Assorted Pastel Colors
- Material: High- Quality Yarn
- Hand- Crocheted
- Sturdy, Durable and Timeless